42.4 F
West Bend

Jakes Fishing Day is June 5 at River Hill Park in Kewaskum | By Dick Knoebel

Kewaskum, WI – The Gateway Gobblers, a Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), is sponsoring a Kids fishing day Saturday, June 5 at River Hill Park in Kewaskum.


The event is free and runs 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and is open to kids under the age of 17.

Four hundred bluegills will be planted in the river Saturday morning. There will be prizes
awarded for the largest bluegill in each age category.

The fish come from the North Star Fish Hatchery in Montour, IA, and range in size from 6 to 9 inches. The fish planting is coordinated between the Gateway Gobblers and Kettle Moraine chapter of Wings over Wisconsin.

The event is made possible thru generous donations from many local service organizations. Reminder, it is free fishing weekend in Wisconsin and parents do not have to purchase a license to assist their children.

Photo courtesy Lake Lenwood Beach & Campground

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