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Jackson loses 600,000 gallons following water main break | By Village Administrator Jen Keller

November 24, 2021 – Jackson, WI – A boring contractor hit a 12-inch water main at the intersection of Eagle Drive and Living Word Lane in the Village of Jackson. Within 20 minutes an estimated 600,000 gallons of water was lost before the break could be isolated.

“The contractor was laying fiber lines,” said Village administrator Jen Keller. “That contractor will have to reimburse the Village for the costs incurred.”

Once the break was isolated, the towers began filling again.
Jackson water tower gallons
The Jackson Water Utility encountered the water main break this earlier month at 9:45 a.m.



The southwestern portion of the Village was the identified “low pressure” zone; those customers noticed a loss of pressure.

Efforts to repair the break and street clean-up were completed by end of the day.

Keller said “there was a pressure drop, however pressure was never lost to utility customers. Only two customers lost water, which were East Side Mart and Living Word Lutheran School, the nearest properties to the break.”

Water was shut off to those sites to initiate a repair.


The Village of Jackson has two water towers. The blue tower capacity is 200,000-gallons and the white tower capacity is 500,000-gallons.

The intersection will be repaired with new concrete curb and asphalt.

On a side note:

At the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), Badger Waste has started hauling sludge from the blue tank, which requires 750,000 gallons to be hauled in order to empty the tank. Additionally, the polymer pump died, and replacement delivery is scheduled for the fourth week of December. A spare pump will be used until replacement of the pump can occur.


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