36.7 F
West Bend

Save the date: Interfaith’s Oktoberfest is back, looking for event sponsors

West Bend, WI –  Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County’s Oktoberfest fundraiser is returning October 10 at the West Bend Mutual Prairie Center, 1900 S. 18th Avenue.


The fundraiser is currently seeking event sponsors and silent auction donations from area businesses or organizations.

According to Interfaith, “This year’s fundraising goal of $50,000 is critical to support day-to-day operations. These dollars allow us to fulfill our mission “connecting seniors with caring volunteers,” and help 100’s of seniors every year in Washington County maintain independence.”

Stop in for a sponsor packet or silent auction donation form at 2374A W. Washington Avenue or contact Janean at janean@ifc4seniors.org or 262-365-0046.

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