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Interfaith Caregivers rolls out its Kindness Crew

Washington Co., WI – Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County is rolling out its Kindness Crews. It’s a group-volunteer opportunity starting in December.

Interfaith Caregiver Kindness Crew

Kindness Crew’s are a group opportunity for individual volunteers to help a number of clients in one day with services such as cleaning or leaf raking or organizing.

Volunteer by yourself, a friend, or bring a whole group.

Interfaith Caregiver Kindness Crew

Kindness Crews will go out on the third Thursday of every month from 10:00 am-12:00 pm.

A light lunch will be provided afterwards.

Services may include light house cleaning, spring/fall yard cleanup, meal preparation and delivery, etc. and will vary by month.

Anyone is welcome to attend these monthly Kindness Crew outings.

Join us after Percolate on Friday, December 6 at 9 a.m. for a short information meeting to learn more.






Lets come together to create a community of kindness!

Kindness Crew dates:

December, 19

January, 16

February, 20

March, 19

April, 16

May, 21

June, 18

July, 16

August, 20

September, 17

October, 15

November, 19

December 17


*Kindness Crews will always meet at the Interfaith Office*

RSVP’s encouraged – walk-ins welcome    262-365-0902

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