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Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County launches “Kindness Calls”

Washington Co., WI – Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County has a new volunteer opportunity “Kindness Calls.”

These calls will bring a positive light to our senior clients.

Kindness Calls

A simple phone call goes a long way. Many of Interfaith’s clients are alone and shut-in during this crisis. Some, not allowed to even leave their room.

Would you have a few minutes to make a phone call to help break up their day?

Offer a Kindness Call, to check-in and connect with some of our lonely seniors?

For more details, please call our office 262-365-0902

On top of that, if you would like to write a card to clients we can help you get in contact with them via mail as well.

Again, if you are interested please contact the Interfaith Office.

Thank you for all you do!

“Together we will create a community of kindness”

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