July 13, 2023 – West Bend, WI – Wow! I feel like I stepped inside of a dystopian movie and I can’t wait for it to end! What has happened to our local community, let alone our state, country, and world? When I open up the paper to find articles discussing whether or not our schools should be offering books with vulgarity, profanity, extreme violence, and the embracing of preferred personal pronouns, genderless bathrooms, and fake science, and all in secrecy, I have to recheck to be sure I’m reading about Washington County, WI instead of some far-off, city or state.
Do we have ‘professional’ groomers in our schools? ie: teachers, superintendent, school board to make sure that the children are open to pedophilia? I thought we were supposed to be able to trust the people that are with our children 8-10 hours a day.
I get angry thinking about the waste of my tax dollars that is funding this trash. This IS grooming material. I get angry knowing that vulnerable, undeveloped minds are being harmed with my hard-earned taxes.
I get angry knowing that these poor youth, who could have been offered books that build good character through moral literacy were instead given vile materials. These children will soon be our teachers, police officers, legislators, nurses, doctors, etc.
If we think our country and world are in trouble now, just wait… With these books, it’s bound to get worse. It’s time to protect the children! Get your kids out of public schools. Invest in parochial schools or home school. Your children are worth it.
West Bend, WI
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You are so right! It’s time for this community to wake up & realize that the West Bend schools are full of leftist ideology, biased politics, LGBTQ & DEI agendas, & inappropriate, profane books, in both the classrooms & the school libraries. There are videos you can watch on the WBSD website (choose either the School Board or Curriculum tabs) that show how the teachers & administrators attacked the residents who asked for The 57 Bus and The Kite Runner to be removed from reading “book club” lists. The committee for the use of The 57 Bus at Badger MS just voted to keep the book for 12-14 year olds on 7/13. Two more meetings are set for 7/19 at 5:00 & 6:30 in the district’s meeting room, where the fate of The 57 Bus (high school use) and The Kite Runner will be decided by district committees.