43.3 F
West Bend

In-person absentee voting underway in West Bend

election, vote
In-person absentee voting got underway today at the West Bend City Hall.   Neighbors within the city limits can vote at the counter in the clerk’s office Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. until Friday, Nov. 4.
Some surrounding communities including the Town of Barton and Village of Jackson, have also started in-person absentee voting for the Nov. 8 General Election.


In November 2012 the clerk in Washington County ordered 95,100 ballots. There were 86,000 registered voters four years ago and today there are currently 87,300 registered voters.
Over the past few elections Washington County Clerk Brenda Jaszewski said she was doing nothing but printing ballots on the day of the election. She said this year some things will change.
“This year I’m going to encourage the clerks to have additional poll workers just for processing absentee ballots,” she said. “For some of the bigger communities like Hartford, West Bend and Jackson there are a lot of absentee ballots to count.”
In the last presidential election in November 2012 the Village of Jackson had 2,018 absentee ballots.  In the Village of Germantown there were over 5,500 absentee ballots.

“Now we have new machines and they’re a little bit slower because they image every ballot,” Jaszewski said.  “Where poll worker used to wait until the polls closed at 8 p.m. to start counting the absentee ballots now we’re encouraging them to process them throughout the day.”

Jaszewski made clear “none of the absentee ballots will be open prior to Election Day.”
Within 48 hours of casting an absentee ballot a person can track their ballot at myvote.wi.gov
Clerks are reminding voters bring an I.D., including when voting absentee.


City of West Bend Clerk Amy Reuteman urges local voters to make sure they are properly registered for the November 8 General Election.


“If you take just a few minutes to go online to the state’s MyVote.WI.gov website, you can make sure you are registered to vote at your current address, and know where to go on Election Day,” said Amy Reuteman.


Reuteman, election

“In less than two minutes, you can go to MyVote.WI.gov, find your polling place location and see what will be on your ballot,” Reuteman said. “If you are not registered or you need to update your name or address, you can start the process online.”


“If you don’t have Internet access, just stop by the clerk’s office, 1115 S. Main St., and we will be happy to help.”


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