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Kewaskum School Board votes tonight, January 27, 2022, on future of i4Learning Community School

January 27, 2022 – Kewaskum, WI – The Kewaskum School Board will hold a special meeting at the Kewaskum High School Library on Thursday, January 27, 2022, at 6 p.m. regarding the possible closure of i4Learning Community School effective for the 2022-2023 school year.


The School District has been discussing i4Learning Community School in the Town of Wayne for the past few years as enrollment declines and building maintenance costs increase.

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A couple of bullet points about the school:

  • There are about 100 students currently enrolled in i4Learning Community School. In 2019-20 the elementary school enrollment was 873, 2020-221 was 800, and this year 819. Click HERE for predicted enrollments and a population study. Page 26 has the predictions for the next 10 years.
  • enrollment Kewaskum
  • An ad-hoc committee of elementary parents and staff from all three elementary schools, community members administrators, and school board members Tim Ramthun and Stephanie Bird was formed to discuss what information the community will need to help make an informed recommendation on how the Kewaskum School District allocates resources and utilizes elementary facilities to meet the needs of elementary students and to discuss other questions the committee would like to suggest be added to the survey around how to best meet the needs of Kewaskum elementary students.
  • There will not be an open comments time during the special Board meeting.
  • The budget to run i4Learning Community School is $876,480, but there are many costs that would “travel with the student” even if the building closed. The district estimates approximately $325,000 in annual savings if the Board decides to close the school.
  • In the next 10 years predicted necessary maintenance will top $1.2 million.
  • A survey issued to parents in the district showed a majority did not want the future of i4Learning Community School to be decided via a referendum.

If the Board decides to close i4Learning Community School, part of the motion would indicate the timetable. The district plans to utilize Farmington and Kewaskum elementary schools for all its elementary students.

A BIT OF HISTORY:  i4Learning Community School was previously called Wayne Elementary School.

Members of the Kewaskum School Board declined to comment on the issue prior to Thursday’s meeting. However, some of the benefits the district listed in the 2021 Community Survey regarding school closure included operational cost savings, capital maintenance cost savings, better class-size balance, better utilization of staff from reduced travel time, and better access to daycare services.

More information will be posted as details become available.

Thursday’s meeting is open to the public.

Information in this article was collected with the help of Kewaskum District Administrator Mark Bazata.

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