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West Bend

I was egg-static to hear the city of West Bend may allow chickens. By Kate Delcore

March 16, 2017 – Washington Co., WI – WashingtonCountyInsider.com has its own chicken reporter.  Kate Delcore is 11 years old and she’s with the Myraneers 4-H club.

Kate has 41 chickens and is enrolled in the Washington County poultry project.

The story this week on the Insider, ‘The chicken debate returns,’ about the West Bend Common Council exploring whether to allow neighbors to raise chickens within the city limits sparked an article from Kate.

So we lean into her expertise. Story below by Kate Delcore.

I was egg-static to hear the city of West Bend may allow chickens. Some of my friends are really egg-cited about potentially being able to raise their own chickens.

My name Kate Delcore and I am 11 years old.

I have raised chickens for 6 years through 4-H. Every year since I was 5, I have brought some chicks into my school for demonstrations and my classmates are amazed.

They always are asking if they can take a few home, but some have not been allowed.

I also have brought chickens to Celebrate Families and shown them at the Washington County Fair.

Some of the great things about chickens include they eat bugs (mosquitoes, ticks, etc.), provide farm fresh eggs (hens do not need a rooster to lay eggs), and  make great companions.

I believe the city of West Bend should allow people to have up to 6 hens (girl chickens) because this amount is easy to care for, won’t produce too much manure, and does not require too much space.

Give chickens a chance and you won’t be disappointed!

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