42.8 F
West Bend

I-41 southbound to STH 60 to close at 7 p.m. tonight/Tuesday to remove vehicles

March 14, 2017 – Washington Co., WI – The Washington County Highway and Sheriff’s Office wants to advice motorists of upcoming road closures on Interstate 41 between STH 60 and STH 145 starting today, March 14 and ending March 15. These closures are to assist with removal of four semi-tractor trailers involved in the multi-unit crash on yesterday’s date. The Wisconsin State Patrol will also be assisting with closures.

Interstate 41 southbound will be closed at STH 60 to all traffic starting at 7 p.m. and re-opening at approximately 12:00 am (midnight). NO southbound traffic will be allowed to enter onto Interstate 41 from STH 60. All southbound traffic will be routed off at STH 60. Southbound traffic should continue East on STH 60 to Hwy 45 southbound.

Interstate 41 northbound will have a lane closure near the accident scene starting at approximately 8:30 pm. Interstate 41 northbound traffic can continue north at this time but it is asked that motorists reduce speeds and use extra caution. There will be a period of time after 8:30 p.m. that Interstate 41 northbound will be closed to all traffic. When that happens northbound traffic will be routed onto Hwy 45 northbound at the split. The on-ramp to Interstate 41 from Hwy 145 will be closed at that time. When re-routed, northbound traffic should exit at STH 60 and continue WEST to Interstate 41 northbound. It is anticipated that the northbound closure will re-open during the morning hours of March 15.

We urge all motorists to use caution if traveling near the road closures or to avoid the area.

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