27.4 F
West Bend

Planned house fire December 12 in Hartford | By Steve Volkert

December 12, 2020 – Hartford, WI – The Hartford Fire Department will be conducting a live fire training on a house, N4019 Goodland Road in the Town of Rubicon, Dodge County, on Saturday, December 12, 2020.

Hartford Fire Department

The burn is expected to start around 7 a.m. and be completed by late morning. During the time of the burn Goodland Road between Constitution Avenue and Innovation Way will be closed.

We appreciate everyone’s understanding during this inconvenience to some and trust that you all realize the tremendous training value these acquired structures have for a fire department.

Hartford Fire

The Hartford Fire Department has been training in this structure all year and now plans to remove the structure on Dec. 12.

We would appreciate if everyone would avoid the area a short detour has been
established through the Dodge Industrial Park for those that must navigate through the area.

The link to the Google Map illustrates the location and the proposed detour.

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