42.4 F
West Bend

Hose Management System arrives to West Bend Fire Department | By Chief Jeff Gustafson

West Bend, WI – The West Bend Fire Department has recently taken delivery of a new hose management system.

This system has several benefits including stretching the department’s capabilities as well as being more efficient with safety in mind. I’m sure that any firefighter would agree that draining and rolling hoses is the last task anyone wants after the fire.


Not only is it probably the most nonglamorous job on the scene but this is where many injuries have occurred. Large Diameter Hose (LDH) can be extremely heavy – up to 944 lbs. when filled with water, and approximately 115 lbs. dry, and is awkward to carry.
The RollNRack Hose Management System consists of 2 main components:


According to the ROLLNRACK® website:
“ROLLNRACK® POWER ROLLER is a portable fire hose roller that self-propels around curves and down the length of the hose. This all-in-one tool makes for effortless hose draining and rolling while using the correct body mechanics and never lifting hose rolls.

A brush whisks the bottom of the hose. Rock rolls out or safely load hose up to 5′′ with just
two or three firefighters. GO PACK—Use this collapsible ‘rack to load all your hose from 1.5″ to 5′′ LDH with just two or three firefighters. Stop the dangerous practice of riding on top of moving rigs to load hose. Heavy LDH rolls are simply rocked into or out of the GO PACK. LDH rolls are never lifted! Protect your firefighters from back injuries or falls when loading hose with the GO PACK. Maximize your on-scene firefighter’s efficiency with the ROLLNRACK® HOSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.”

This system will assist in clean up on fire scenes as well as with annual hose testing.


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