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West Bend

Horicon Bank secures COVID19 relief grant for community food pantries | By Grace Bruins

June 6, 2020 – Horicon Bank partnered with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago to provide financial support for local food pantries and relief organizations in eight communities.

Horicon Bank secured a $20,000 grant as part of the FHLB’s COVID-19 Relief Program. The grant will be split among the communties served by Horicon Bank with donations going to help: Church Health Services, PAVE, The Gathering Source Food Bank, Sacred Heart Food Pantry, St. Stephens Food Pantry, Green Lake County Food Pantry, Living Hope Food Pantry, Traded Treasures Food Pantry, REACH Waupun’s Mission Backpack Program, The Volunteer Center of Washington County and St. Frances Cabrini School in West Bend.

“The organizations we are donating to, like many others, are doing all they can to respond to the pandemic’s effects in their communities,” said Fred F. Schwertfeger, President of Horicon Bank. “As a community bank, we want these local organizations to take advantage of funding opportunities as much as possible.”

Hoping to help farmers with the grant, Horicon Bank asked the organizations to use the funds to purchase local agricultural and dairy products if possible.

Horicon Bank is a full service community bank with 19 locations in 14 communities across Wisconsin.

Horicon Bank
Horicon Bank

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