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Horicon Bank promotes two to Executive Vice President | By Natalie Schmitz

Horicon, WI – Horicon Bank announced the promotion of two employees, Fred C. Schwertfeger and Robert B. Traylor to Executive Vice President.

Fred two

Fred C. Schwertfeger started at Horicon Bank in 2006 and served as the head of communications, marketing and sales functions of the Bank. He also leads the Bank’s strategic planning initiatives.

He received his master’s degrees from the Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, and Oxford respectively. In 2014, he finished the three-year Graduate School of Banking course at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Schwertfeger currently serves on the Board of the Museum of Wisconsin Arts in West Bend and Bergstrum-Mahler Museum of Glass in Neenah.

Robert B. Traylor started at Horicon Bank in 2016 and serves as the Bank’s Chief Financial Officer. With a Master’s in Business Administration from Louisiana Tech University and a Certified Public Accountant certification, Traylor has over 16 years of experience in accounting and banking. He graduated from the Graduate School of Banking course at the University of Wisconsin- Madison in 2019.

In announcing their recent promotions, Horicon Bank President Fred F. Schwertfeger expressed his compliments about his staff. “We are pleased to promote Fred C. and Robert to Executive Vice President. They demonstrate Horicon Bank’s mission of being caring bankers who value their communities and associates.”

Horicon Bank has 20 locations in 14 communities across Wisconsin. The Bank will be adding locations in New Berlin and Wauwatosa in 2022.

Horicon Bank

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