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Hootie Fest kicks off Slinger school year | By Delaney Braun

Slinger, WI – The Slinger Student Council and Slinger DECA held its third annual Hootie Fest and Corn Roast on the Slinger High School campus on Friday, August 27, 2022.

The festival benefits the activities of the Student Council and DECA in their service events throughout the school year.

The event included a zipline, rock wall, euro bungee, bounce houses, games, music, and multiple food trucks.

DECA and Student Council members gain volunteer hours for helping run and supervise the different activities and games for the kids, which was a great opportunity to create connections with the younger community members.

Mosaic Church and Slinger Kiwanis Club also provided volunteers. This event was supported by several sponsors around the Slinger area, which helped this large event run smoothly.

Hootie Fest was not short of visitors. It was a great stop for families and community members to support as the event was the opener for the first Slinger Varsity football home game of the season and youth night. The Slinger High School Band also  performed.

Hootie Fest brought together community members of all ages to celebrate the upcoming school year.

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