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October 16, 2021, Honor Flight: Marine veteran Michael Norman of West Bend, WI

Washington County, WI – Marine veteran Michael Norman and his guardian who happens to be his son, William Norman, of Wichita, KS, will be going to Washington, D.C., for the first time together as they head out on the October 16, 2021 Stars and Stripes Honor Flight.

Honor Flight Logo

Norman enlisted in the Marines at the age of 17 and went right to Camp Pendleton in California for his training to work in the field of redistribution disposal. “I was in California for a year and I worked in a supply company,” said Norman, “Then I went to Hawaii. I was there for a year, which was in Fleet Marine Force, and I worked in a warehouse to supply stuff for troops in Vietnam. After that year was up I went to Vietnam. After my year was up there, I extended for another year.” Norman earned the rank of Corporal prior to the end of his term of service.

Norman was honorably discharged in 1967, having earned the Vietnam Campaign Award, Vietnam Service Campaign Award, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, 2 Navy Unit Citation Awards, Good Conduct Medal, and Combat Action Award.

Norman has a long line of military veterans in his family, “My grandfather served in World War I, my dad was in World War II, my son was in Kuwait during Desert Storm and my daughter was in the Air Force.”

Norman met his wife, Sandra, through a mutual friend and they have been married for 30 years; he has 2 adult children, one of whom is accompanying him on the Honor Flight.

When Norman stepped out into civilian life after serving four years in the Marines he took a job in shipping and receiving with Wisconsin Color, worked there for 30 years, then retired.

Upon his return from Vietnam, Norman said, “I remember when I came home…and it was when I landed in California, you know, with the protesters and whatnot. It just wasn’t a good feeling.

“I was serving my country, and the way I got treated when I got home, you know, wasn’t like, when I saw stuff from like World War Two.”

Norman said of his upcoming Honor Flight, “I think it’s going to be exciting. It’s been 50 years and 1 month…”


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