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Homeschool Performing Arts Club presents a Mark Twain classic: The Prince and the Pauper | By Dawn Doll


March 8, 2018 – Fond du Lac, WI – Lady Elizabeth stands to speak her mind at the Royal Court in London, England, and the Court waits for the Prince’s final decision on an important matter.  Left to right as the Royal Court are Joshua Switzer, Russel Murphy, Kayla Doll,  Samuel Schmidt, Colin Streeter, Christian Steffes, Isaac Steffes, Lily Hernandez, Sara Titel, RB Murphy, Jenna Soldner, Seth Steffes.

The Lords and Ladies of the Royal Court of Prince Edward of England looks on as Tom, posing as the prince, discusses important matters with his advisors.  Left to right are Maria Doll, Sarah Buxton, Lucy Harn, Kira Follis, Michael Doll, Joshua Switzer, Russel Murphy.

The Lords and Ladies are shocked at the behavior of Prince Edward of England.  Is he mad?  Left to right are Russel Murphy, Kira Follis, Maria Doll, Lucy Harn, Sarah Buxon (Back), Michael Doll.

The royal family enjoys themselves at a banquet in the city of London.  Left to right, we find Lady Margaret (Lily Hernandez), Lady Jane (Kayla Doll), Prince Edward (Christian Steffes), Lady Elizabeth (Sara Titel), and the Prince’s sister, Mary (Jenna Soldner).  Behind, the Prince’s servants, Caleb Steffes, Seth Steffes and Isaac Steffes, await their next order.  All await the Prince’s crazy antics, since he is really just poor Tom Canty!

The Lords and Ladies of the Palace applaud a speech made by one of the Lords during a banquet at the Palace.   Left to Right: Michael Doll, Sarah Buxton, Kira Follis, Russel Murphy.

Edward of England tries to gain admittance to the palace during the banquet, after the mix-up between the Pauper, Tom Canty and the Prince, Edward Tudor.  Left to Right: Samuel Schmidt, dressed as the Prince, is really poor Tom Canty.  Guards, Ethan Poss and Noah Gumness, attempt to keep out the real Prince Edward, dressed as a poor beggar, along with the rest of the street ruffians, Niah Schauer, Ashlianna Murphy and Elijah Gumness.

Ma Canty (Niah Schauer) throws Prince Edward (Elijah Gumness) to the ground, believing him to be her poor son, Tom, as the ruffians on the street look on.  Left to right in the background are Ian Koenigs, Jimmy Streeter, Maddie Koenigs, David Rutherford, Adam Streeter, Rebekah Titel, Violet Harn, Roann Fulton, Solara Fulton, Abigail Rutherford.

Curious about each other’s lives, Edward Tudor, the prince of Wales, and Tom Canty, a pauper boy who resembles the prince remarkably, exchange clothing, just for fun. But when one of the prince’s guards’ mistakes Edward for the pauper and throws him out into the street, both boys become suddenly aware of the harsh realities of each other’s lives. Tom is expected to act with royal dignity at all times and to handle important affairs of state, while Edward is forced to beg and steal by an evil mother and grandmother. How they survive their ordeal is an interesting story indeed.

Freely adapted for the stage by James Devita, The Prince and the Pauper, a Mark Twain classic, is sure to entertain the whole family. The play is produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Service, Inc., Denver, Colorado, and is appropriate for all ages.

The Prince and the Pauper is the 11th annual production of the Homeschool Performing Arts Club (HSPAC), a non-profit organization of homeschooled children who perform each March for the public. Ranging in age from 4-18 years old, the children performing on stage also help to choose the script, paint the set, make pieces for the set, make or find their own costumes, gather props, and create drawings for the advertisements. In her 9th year as director of HSPAC is homeschooling mother, Nicole Schauer.

The Prince and the Pauper will be performed at the UW-Fond du Lac Prairie Theater, 400 University Drive, Fond du Lac. Show times will be Friday, March 16 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, March 17 at 1 p.m. This performance is FREE for all ages,.

Donations will be accepted. For more information about this production, or about HSPAC, please contact Dawn Doll at 920-921-4565.

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