Washington Co., WI – The County Board meeting held September 28th had Samaritan Home on the agenda. In my opinion, it had an aura of negativity about it. I’m not alone when I say, it sounds like County Government wants out of the Nursing Home business.
There was much talk of statistics, reports, calculations, how many beds facilities are licensed for and ever present was red ink. We are a poor investment!
They are now in negotiations focusing on a partnership with Lasata Home in Cedarburg. I am having trouble wrapping my head around putting negotiations and human lives together in the same sentence! Once again there was little mention of the individual lives in those beds! No two facilities are the same. They have different philosophies, programs and protocols. That makes me feel very apprehensive.
These questions have been floating around in my head for a while. Questions the Board could answer:
*After the application for the Federal grant was denied, was there an appeal made?
*What was the reason for denial, and could another form or type of grant be filed for?
*Was AG Architecture the only source used for quotes, “repairs” vs “build new” quotes; and why?
*How many, and which residents will be relocated?
*What will happen to those left behind?
*How many of our current staff will Lasata accept?
*How many of our staff will drive the extra 16 miles considering gas prices and time it takes to get there? Will a survey be taken to find out?
*How will the Lasata staff deal with a bombardment of bodies coming their way. The profession of a CNA (certified nursing assistant) has enough pressure as it is. I don’t see this going well for us at all!
*Has there been any consideration or conversation about our more vulnerable and fragile residents with Alzheimer’s and dementia? Have there been considerations that a move like that could be disruptive to their lives?
In the evening, as I sit quietly in my room, I feel very microscopic as a melancholy sadness surrounds me. A tiny speck who is facing a Goliath world that doesn’t want us anymore. I know, it sounds very dramatic, but we are in a world that moves so very quickly, and it is all driven by money.
No one goes through life planning to end up in a nursing home. I certainly did not. Then in October of 2014, that reality came along and slapped me in the face. I chose to make peace with the unexpected turn to my future. I feel so very blessed to have found Samaritan. I am confident when I say my fellow residents feel the same.
If you agree that this facility should remain in Washington County, and we should remain in our home, please, please call the County Supervisor for your district. If you don’t know who they are, call the County Clerk’s office, 262-335-4301. Give them your address, and they’ll be happy to give you your supervisor’s phone number and e-mail address. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!
Thank you for all the kind comments and support to my letters from August. We are eternally grateful for anything you can do!
Deb Kison
Resident of Samaritan Home
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