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West Bend

Holy Angels Students of the Month for March 2017. By Mike Sternig



April 25, 2017 – West Bend, WI – Holy Angels School in West Bend salutes the March Students of the Month including Ellie Eckert, Ericka Beistle, and Andrew Glaszcz.

6th – Ellie Eckert – Ellie is appreciated by all the junior high teachers for a variety of reasons. She is self-driven and takes joy in learning new things. All of her academic work is done meticulously and looks beautiful. In addition, Ellie is a gentle spirit showing kindness to everyone. She is involved in many service projects as an active member of the HAS Hope Club. She is a server at school Masses. Ellie has a creative side, playing piano and acting in musicals with her dad. With such varied interests, Ellie has not settled on a specific goal for the future although she is considering a career as a chemist, vet or counselor.


7th – Ericka Beistle – Ericka is a friendly and upbeat person who is truly a joy to be around. This outgoing personality has made her a popular patrol leader for the kindergartners. It is no surprise that she plans to grow up to take on a job as a nanny if she doesn’t go into cosmetology. Ericka takes pride in serving our school in many ways. In addition to patrolling, she serves at Masses, and is a member of the HAS Hope Club. Ericka is strong academically because she always pushes herself to do her best, and she consistently earns high grades in all her classes.


8th – Andrew Glaszcz  – Andrew has always been a strong student. He learns quickly and shows his understanding by doing high quality work. His teachers notice that, as an eighth grader, he shows a renewed focus on academics with eye towards successful high school and college experiences. Andrew helps out by working as a patrol and serving at Mass. He is involved in Boy Scouts and football outside of school. He likes fantasy and is passionate about anything related to superheroes.  He also likes building with Legos and hopes for a career combining those interests as he designs Lego sets related to Marvel comic characters.

Photo: l to r: Ellie, Ericka, Andrew

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