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West Bend

Holy Angels Students of the Month – November 2023 | By Michelle Spaeth

West Bend, WI – In an effort to recognize academic achievement, personal growth, and dedication to Christian values Holy Angels School in West Bend, WI highlights 3 students for the month of November 2023 – Henry Hubbard (grade 6), Brody Demmer (grade 7), Max Reinheimer (grade 8).


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6th Grade:  Henry Hubbard

Henry is a genuinely nice guy who shows all the kindness and friendliness you would want in a person. He consistently exudes a happy attitude and gets along with everyone. He is always on task and working to improve. He will keep trying and keep asking questions until he knows he understands. Henry serves at Holy Angels Mass. Outside of school, he enjoys playing sports and scouting and wants to be a teacher when he grows up because he particularly likes sharing knowledge with others.

7th Grade:  Brody Demmer

Brody will tell you he is all about playing whether it’s sports, video games or just hanging around with his dog. However, his teachers can tell you that he is also a good student who is not shy about offering his opinion and/or answer. In fact, his willingness to participate in group discussions infuses class with effort and energy and is one of his best qualities. He is a good leader, able to keep a group on task. Brody plans to be a mechanic when he grows up.

Holy Angels School Where children
grow in faith, knowledge, values, and respect.

8th Grade: Max Reinheimer

Max is well-liked by his peers and his teachers appreciate that he is respectful in class. His teachers note that Max is showing initiative to develop organizational skills. They also see that he is showing a greater willingness to attempt challenging work with the result of strong growth across all of his classes. Max will happily sit down to a session of Fortnite with a slice of pizza, but he also enjoys playing basketball and wouldn’t mind joining the NBA when he grows up.


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