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West Bend

Holy Angels School announces Students of the Month | By Anne Weise

January 13, 2022 – West Bend, WI – Holy Angels Catholic School, 230 N. Eighth Avenue, West Bend, WI, announces the following Students of the Month for December 2021:
Photo (left to right): Nikolas, Zachary, Colton; courtesy, Holy Angels School

6th Grade: Nikolas Guminski
Nikolas is an easy-going, friendly, and outright funny kid who can be found joking around with other students whenever the time is right. However, Nikolas is not all fun and games. He is a serious student who has a curious mindset and an interest in learning, particularly liking math. He pays attention, learns quickly, and can recall important information weeks after it is taught. He is willing to work hard and practice, making great progress in learning how to play guitar.

Outside of school, he enjoys playing tennis and the piano.

7th Grade: Zachary Fechter
If you look up likable in the dictionary, there is probably a picture of Zach. It’s hard to imagine a student with more likable qualities. Zach has a good sense of humor and is friendly and kind.

Zach is not afraid of getting involved in class discussions and volunteering to answer questions even if he might be wrong. He works well in groups and is a responsible student. Zach is one of the morning patrols who takes care of the kindergarteners. Zach is passionate about baseball which is his favorite sport. He says he would love to talk to Christian Yelich.

8th Grade: Colton Steinmetz
Colton is one of a small minority of boys in the eighth grade, and he has earned the praise and gratitude of the class (and music teacher) by agreeing to play the lead male role in the
upcoming class musical. Not only did he volunteer, but he is giving the role his best effort. In fact, his teachers are noticing that he is spending his last year at Holy Angels setting goals and working to reach them in all of his classes. Colton is a happy person and fun to be around.

Colton is a patrol and can be counted on to tend to the flag. Colton enjoys playing football,
basketball, and baseball as well as video games. He is proud of his brother who serves in the military.


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