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West Bend

Holy Angels February 2024 Student of the Month | By Michelle Spaeth

West Bend, WI – To recognize academic achievement, personal growth, and dedication to Christian values Holy Angels School in West Bend, WI highlights 3 students for the month of February 2024: Nora Sternig (6th grade), Joey Dorow (7th grade), Juliana Kroening (8th grade).


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6th Grade:  Nora Sternig

Nora is just about the most responsible student Holy Angels has ever seen. She could give lessons on organization. These are wonderful traits especially when added to her willingness to try new things. Her teachers love her interest in new knowledge and skills. They also like that she is equally comfortable working independently or in groups. Other students enjoy working with her because she is patient and kind. Nora likes the idea of being a teacher when she grows up, but in the meantime, she prides herself on climbing higher in trees than anyone she knows.

7th Grade:  Joey Dorow

Joey is a quiet kid who is liked by his peers. He is athletic, particularly enjoying football, and hoping to play in the NFL someday. At school, Joey has shown an improved attitude towards academics. He consistently turns in good work and participates fully in class. Outside of school, Joey enjoys playing football as well as watching Marvel movies, playing Virtual Reality, and hanging out with friends. 

8th Grade:  Juliana Kroening

Juliana is one of our outstanding leaders at Holy Angels. She co-captains the patrols and is vice president of the student council. She also serves at masses. Juliana is a hard worker, turning in high-quality work while also participating in a variety of other activities such as forensics and softball. She is one of the stars of the upcoming Spring Musical and has been devoting a great deal of time to learning and practicing her songs and lines. When she gets time to goof off, Juliana watches Jumanji while munching on a cheeseburger.

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