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West Bend

Holy Angels Fall Sports Potluck features alum, Nagel and Held | By Anne Weise

November 14, 2021 – West Bend, WI – The Holy Angels Parish School (HAS) Fall Sports Potluck was held on Monday, November 8, 2021.
Leah Nagel

The parents and students had a great time celebrating their successful volleyball seasons, eating some delicious food, and hearing from HAS alumni who are currently playing sports in high school.

Leah Nagel and Joe Held, Holy Angels class of 2018, were the keynote speakers for the evening.

Joe Held

Joe was a letter winner in football (2) and Golf (4) at West Bend West High School while also participating in basketball and track.

He hopes to attend either Madison, Whitewater, or Oshkosh to pursue a degree in the business. He is also a member of the National Honor Society (NHS).

Leah was a letter winner in volleyball (2) and track (2). She is also a member of NHS and the multicultural club. She plans to attend UW-Madison to pursue a degree in English.


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