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West Bend

Holy Angels School spotlight on 2nd grade teacher Sheila Tranel

West Bend, WI – Holy Angels Catholic School, 230 N. 8th Ave., West Bend, WI, is shining a spotlight on its 2023/2024 teaching staff.

Sheila Tranel has been teaching Holy Angel’s students for the last 26 years.


“Hello! I am in my 26th year of teaching at Holy Angels,” said Tranel, “I taught fourth grade for 18 years and then moved to second grade where I am privileged to help the second graders prepare for First Reconciliation and First Communion.

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“I graduated from college a long time ago with degrees in Elementary Ed, Religious Studies, and French. Before coming to Holy Angels I taught in Catholic Schools in Ohio and Elkhorn, Wisconsin. I also spent four years in a public school in Scales Mound, Illinois. I’ve enjoyed all of my teaching years, but Holy Angels is my home.
“I have three grown children who all attended Holy Angels,” said Tranel, “Last year we were also blessed with two grandchildren. In fact, three years ago I taught my first “grand student” and continue to teach more and more of them.”
“I love Holy Angels because I have never “worked” a day in my almost 26 years here. Instead, teaching at HAS has simply been a part of my life, part of my vocation, and a true faith family.”
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