41.5 F
West Bend

Meet the Richter family at Holy Angels School in West Bend, WI

West Bend, WI – Each year it is a privilege when new families join our Holy Angels (HA) [Catholic School] community and trust us with the education of their children. Over the next couple of weeks, we would like to introduce you to some of our newest families and have your help welcoming them into our HA family.
The Richter Family | Photo credit: Holy Angels Catholic School
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“Hi! We’re the Richter family. Our oldest daughter Claire just started kindergarten this year and it’s our first year at Holy Angels. We are also new to the parish.
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“Amy attended parochial school in West Bend growing up, so a faith-based education was a priority as we searched for the right fit for Claire. All it took was one tour of the school with Mrs. Spaeth and meeting the teachers and staff to know Holy Angels was the right fit for our family.
“Claire loves her teachers and friends and only whines a little when we wake her for school in the morning, but we’re sure that has more to do with her need to chit-chat before falling asleep every night.”

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