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West Bend

Holy Angels spotlight on school librarian, Rhonda Faehling

West Bend, WI – Holy Angels Catholic School, 230 N. Eighth Ave., West Bend, WI, is shining a spotlight on its 2023/2024 staff. As the school librarian, Rhonda Faehling is making an educational impression on the students that pass through the aisles of books in her charge.


Rhonda Faehling graduated from UW-Milwaukee in 1991 with a BA in Elementary Education 1-6. She spent her first 6 years of teaching in the Milwaukee Public Schools as a first and second-grade teacher and added her PreK-K certification during that time.

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Holy Angels library
Photo credit: Holy Angels Catholic School
After taking several years off to stay home with her daughters, Faehling returned to teaching as a substitute teacher at Holy Angels and then spent two years teaching part-time in K5. She has also been a third-grade teacher at Holy Angels and currently splits her time between third grade and as the librarian for Holy Angels.
Holy Angels library
Photo credit: Holy Angels Catholic School
Holy Angels Library
Photo credit: Holy Angels Catholic School
“The most amazing thing about Holy Angels is the feeling of family that exists. I feel it with my fellow staff members, and I feel it with all the students I teach, especially being in the library,” said Faehling.
“My husband Chip is a graduate of Holy Angels, as are my three daughters Sydney, Kaya, and Rylee.”
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