36.1 F
West Bend

Start of school less than 1 month away; Holy Angels School shares important dates

West Bend, WI – The start of school is less than one month away. Holy Angels Catholic School, 230 N. Eighth Ave., West Bend, WI would like parents of schoolchildren to keep the following important dates in mind.

Holy Angels School

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 Monday, August 21—Meeting for new School Parents at 7 p.m.
 Sunday, August 27—School Open House from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
 Monday, August 28—First Day of School
 Friday, September 1 & Monday, September 4—No School

If you would like to order Holy Angels School or Holy Angels Volleyball Spirit Wear, click HERE. Please place your order by Sunday, August 20.

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