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West Bend

Holy Angels October Students of the Month | By Michelle Spaeth

West Bend, WI – In an effort to recognize academic achievement, personal growth, and dedication to Christian values Holy Angels School in West Bend, WI highlights 3 students for the month of October 2024 – 6th Grade:  Camille Miofsky, 7th Grade: Ellie Held, and 8th Grade: Elin Winkler.

6th Grade:  Camille Miofsky

The first thing you notice about Camille is she is quiet. While quiet, she is working diligently to understand everything being taught. She performs at a high level across the board although English class is her favorite. In fact, she wants to be a writer when she grows up. She is always willing to help others. For example, she is an accomplished guitarist who spends time in music class helping others learn chords. Her teachers appreciate that she is willing to challenge herself to learn more and do more. Camille was recently elected to the student council where she will be an important part of student leadership.

7th Grade:  Ellie Held

Ellie is the youngest of a talented family. She is a teacher’s dream. She learns quickly, focuses and participates constantly, and produces high quality assignments. She works well in groups but is successful when working independently. Ellie is strong in all subjects, but particularly enjoys math. Ellie is involved in the school community in a lot of ways including serving at Mass and helping as a patrol with the four-year-olds at the end of the day. This year, she has taken on the task of vice president of the student council. Her desire to help others extends to the goal of being a metabolic nurse when she grows up.

8th Grade: Elin Winkler

Elin is the new president of the student council. The advisers for student leadership explain she is a self-starter and requires little advice. All her teachers commend her for her strong ideas, clear communication, organization, and willingness to lead. Elin has always been a hard-worker who is willing to persevere when tackling academic and athletic challenges. In addition to leading the school as president, she is one of the captains of the patrols and serves at Mass.  We hope she will take time out of her busy schedule to enjoy some pizza while preparing for her next volleyball game.

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