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West Bend

Holy Angels January 2025 Student of the Month | By Michelle Spaeth

West Bend, WI – In an effort to recognize academic achievement, personal growth, and dedication to Christian values Holy Angels School in West Bend, WI highlights three students for the month of January 2025 including Addie Becker, Ava Helnes, and Claire Etzel.
holy angels
Holy Angels Students of the Month for January 2025

6th Grade: Addie Becker

Addie is an energetic person with a big personality. She has a wide variety of interests ranging from baking to betta fish. Addie is not afraid to try new things and participates actively in all learning activities. She works hard in class, both independently and in groups. She loves hanging out with her little buddy in the K5 class and will make a great patrol when she gets into seventh grade. She currently serves at school masses. Addie loves potatoes and cookies and says that she would like to grow up to be a mom AND a 911 call operator.

7th Grade: Ava Helnes

Ava is known for her artistic skills. When she is interested in a project, she will apply those creative techniques to making it special. She can be thoughtful, especially in ELA class. She is involved in both forensics and crochet club and patrols for the K5 class at the end of the day. She started her own crochet business and makes amigurumi animals (or aliens if you like) for her customers. This is great practice for her plan to be a successful small business owner when she grows up.

Holy Angels School
Holy Angels School in West Bend, Wi

8th Grade: Claire Etzel

Claire has been expanding her horizons this year, getting involved in every aspect of Holy Angels School. She was elected and serves as Treasurer of the Student Council, competes in forensics and accepted the challenge of the ELA Discovery Project. Claire is a quiet leader who is not afraid to use her authority when getting the kids ready for pick up after school. She enjoys soccer, playing with her dog, and everything Taylor Swift. Claire hopes to grow up to help people by being a counselor.

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