37.6 F
West Bend

Holy Angels annual Friday Fish Fry and Gifts from the Heart Raffle

March 16, 2018 – West Bend, WI – If you don’t already have March 16 reserved on your calendar for a fabulous fish fry, then Holy Angels in West Bend is the place for you to be!

Starting at 4 p.m., the Famous Friday Fish Fry will be served in the Walnut and Cedar Rooms. This annual event features the secret “Festival Recipe.”

The adult portion of fried fish will again be “all-you-care-to-eat” for $10 the children’s portion is $6 and children 4 & under are free (dine-in only). Family-style servings of fries, coleslaw or applesauce, rye bread, and homemade desserts are also included. Baked fish is also available with an adult portion for $10.

For those family members who don’t care for fish, Pasta/Italian Bread will be available for $5.  Carry outs are also available for a quick in-and-out fish fry (enter through the gym)!

At 8 p.m., the festivities shift to the gym for the drawings of the winners in this year’s Gifts From The Heart Raffle. For One Dollar you can take a chance at winning YOUR CHOICE of over 100 unique items or services.







Among the items in this year’s offering…One semester tuition; Cash ($1,000); 2 Colorado Condos: SkyRun Copper Mountain Getaway and Summit Condo in the Rocky Mountains, Packers tickets, Apple watch, Nintendo Switch; a 55” Smart TV, Amazon Echo, Lego sets; a Shadow Drone, Google Home Mini, Beats headphones, Instant Pot, gift cards to local stores, carpet cleaning, sporting events tickets, jewelry, and a whole lot more!

Several special items will be offered in a Silent Auction.

Cast Iron Luxury Living





Back again are some wonderful gift baskets from  Holy Angels classes. There will also be entertainment at this year’s event. The Acme Fiddling Company (formerly Celtic Company) will perform in the gym at 6 p.m.

The Irish dancing troupe has performed at Holy Angels in the past and dazzled the audience with their talent. What a great way to start celebrating St. Patty’s Day!

Dairy Queen Cake

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