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Washington County Holiday Craft Fair is Saturday, November 21, 2020

Washington Co., WI – Mark your calendar for the annual Washington County Holiday Craft Fair at Washington County Fair Park & Conference Center on Saturday, November 21, 2020.

Holiday Craft Fair

Some changes have been made to the Holiday Craft Fair. Please read all of the below information.


We have made modifications to how this year’s event will work:

  1. You need to pre-purchase your ticket for a designated entry time and building i.e. the Pavilion at 9 a.m. or the Ziegler building at 11 a.m.  You will need to enter through the building on your ticket at the designated time.  Early entry will be prohibited. Only so many tickets per hour and per entrance are being issued. You only need to purchase one ticket per person. Your ticket just designates which building you start in.

  2. Aisles and meeting rooms will have suggested traffic directions and designated entries and exits.

  3. Strollers will NOT be allowed this year and we recommend only adults attending this year. If you are bringing any children, they require a ticket as well.

  4. Since we do not know what the mandate will be at the time of the event, we are moving forward at this time with our current policy which is: We do not have signage on our building stating that it is required as there are people with exemptions; so whether someone enters masked or not, we allow them into the facility. We ask that you stay home if you are not feeling well.

  5. All ticket holders will be auto-entered into the Raffle.  You do not need to be present to win.

Purchase Tickets Here

INTERESTED VENDORS: There is a waiting list for new vendors. To be added, please contact:

Suzanne Fischer at sfischer@wcfairpark.com or
call her at 262-677-5060 x1225.

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