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West Bend

History Note: Summer Kitchen at Timmer’s Resort | By Barbara Johnson

Nov. 29, 2018 – Big Cedar Lake, WI – The Timmer Bakery/Smokehouse (summer kitchen) was an important asset to the Timmer Hotel and Resort in its early years.




The bake oven allowed the staff to prepare their homemade breads, rolls, pies and other pastries in the summertime for family and guests without heating up the house.


The 5’x7’ cream brick smoke room within the summer kitchen was used to smoke the hams, bacons and other meats sold on the farm and used to serve to hotel/resort guests.














Two brown beer bottles were set into the cement mortar above the door/entry of the stone building.

Mathias Timmer set his name and the date in the mortar of the interior wall of the Bakery/Smokehouse.


Timmer's Resort at Big Cedar Lake


Portions of the stories about the history of Big Cedar Lake can be found in the book ‘Timmer’s Resort at Big Cedar Lake…A Journey Through Time.’

The book can be purchased at GPMS, 2412 W Washington St, West Bend (cash or check). Also at Timmer’s Resort or email Barbara Johnson at bigcedarlake@charter.net

The book sells for $28.40 + tax for an even $30.


Click HERE for more stories about Timmer’s Resort.





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