37.5 F
West Bend

Highway D road project in West Bend is ahead of schedule

August 7, 2017 – West Bend, WI – Good news for neighbors regarding the construction on County Trunk Highway (CTH) D. Project engineer Brad Abraham said they are ahead of schedule and should be open by the end of this week, August 11.

Contractors have been working since May 23 on a segment that runs from the Highway 45 northbound ramps to Green Tree Road.

The project including removing and replacing the concrete segment between USH 45 and Lighthouse Lane.

The driveway to West Bend Warehouse will be realigned and a left turn lane for traffic turning north onto Lighthouse Lane will be added to improve safety.
Construction will be staged to allow access between USH 45 and Lighthouse Lane and to provide uninterrupted access for trucks traveling to and from West Bend Warehouse.
The contractor will also be repaving Lighthouse Lane from CTH D to the eastern entrance of The Columbian banquet hall.

Cast Iron Luxury Living


  1. In other words, the project that appeared to have no end is no about to end? I’ve never seen such a minute stretch of road take so blasted long!

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