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West Bend

St. Augustine School student wins Herzog Foundation Bill of Rights essay contest

Colgate, WI– On the 231st anniversary of the United States Bill of Rights ratification, Saint Augustine School is proud to announce that Emily Tannel of West Bend, WI won the Herzog Foundation’s Bill of Rights Essay Contest in the High School Category. Emily was one of over 150 students who participated in the nationwide writing contest.

Emily Tannel of West Bend, WI herzog

“Too many young people are losing sight of the civic values that characterize American democracy,” said Herzog Foundation President Darrell Jones. “Many families and schools even shy away from celebrating our country and founding documents. This is unacceptable. At the Herzog Foundation, we want to reward the students and schools that not only recognize our fundamental American beliefs but celebrate them as well.”

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All middle school and high school students currently enrolled in a Christian school or homeschool were eligible to participate in the essay contest. Each winner and their school received a $250 award from the Herzog Foundation.

“The Bill of Rights was ratified over 230 years ago and still stands as a beacon for our most fundamental rights as Americans,” said Herzog Foundation Chairman Todd Graves. “It’s crucial that all young students understand the significance of this founding document.”


Essay contestants were asked to answer the following prompt in three pages or less: What made the Bill of Rights so revolutionary and unique when it was ratified? How has the Bill of Rights shaped our country?

“The Bill of Rights remains the center of the Constitution and symbol of rights, and now to save them America needs to learn to value and respect it and all that it stands for.  To do this, everyone needs to learn about the Constitution and why it is so valuable, because the biggest way to fight against this encroachment of our rights is to learn about what our rights are,” said High School Winner Emily Tannel.

About the Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation

The Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation is a charitable foundation dedicated to catalyzing and accelerating the development of quality Christ-centered K-12 education so that families and culture flourish.

Learn more at HerzogFoundation.com

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