West Bend, WI – Helping Hands Fish Fry is March 22, 2024 benefitting non-profit organizations in West Bend, Wi including Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County. The event will take place at The Columbian, 3245 Lighthouse Lane, West Bend, WI, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The cost for the fish fry is $13 for adults in advance, $14 at the door. Children 12 and under are $7 for the fish fry. Cash only, please.
Get your fish fry tickets today at Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County, 2374A W. Washington Ave., West Bend, WI, Faith United Church of Christ, 2895 Slinger Road, Slinger, WI, any participating organization, or at the door.
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