Help is available to families in Washington County that need assistance with winter heating bills.
Contact Kay Lucas with the Washington County Human Services Department which oversees the Energy Assistance Program. The number is 262-335-4677.
The Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) administers the federally funded Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Public Benefits Energy Assistance Program. LIHEAP and its related services help approximately 230,000 Wisconsin households annually.
In addition to regular heating and electric assistance, specialized services include:
- Emergency fuel assistance,
- Counseling for energy conservation and energy budgets,
- Pro-active co payment plans,
- Targeted outreach services,
- Emergency furnace repair and replacement.
Services are provided locally through:
- County social services offices,
- Tribal governments,
- Private non-profit or other government agencies.
For more information on WHEAP, call 1-866-HEATWIS (432-8947).