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Hartford Union HS students attend 2019 Global Youth Institute in Iowa | By Teri Kermendy

November 14, 2019 – Hartford, WI – Hartford Union High School’s (HUHS) Students, Maggie Colwell and Cael Schoemann were selected as Wisconsin delegates to the 2019 Global Youth Institute in Des Moines, IA, October 16-19, 2019.

Hartford Union HS students


Pictured at the event:  Left Mr. Kevin Martin, Cael Schoemann and third and fourth from the right respectively, Mr. Bill Schliewe and Maggie Colwell.

The Global Youth Institute (GYI) is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, held in conjunction with the awarding of the World Food Prize and the Borlaug Dialogue, the premier international symposium on global food security.

“It is hard to explain how this experience has changed me as an educator. I didn’t realize until I got to Iowa for the World Food Prize events just how big of a deal this all is on a global scale. I plan to inspire all of my students to be global hunger fighters through my various curricula.

Freshmen Cohort will be an easy connection, but there are so many opportunities in my regular Bio and AP Bio classes as well. Building connections across disciplines, state lines, and countries. So glad I was selected to be a part of the #WFPGlobalGuides Program.” Said Kevin Martin, Science teacher at HUHS.








Martin was selected to join the elite program that included 40 hours of professional development during the immersion experience as part of the World Food Prize and the Borlaug Dialogues. For the next six months, Martin will prepare and implement a reusable learning artifact in their community, and engage with a digital mentor team to provide local application for global impact.

The Global Guide Program started in August and ends late in the school year when they publish the final products for teachers to use.

As delegates, they presented their research and recommendations to these international experts and leaders and participate in a round-table discussion with students from around the world. They also had the opportunity to visit world-class research facilities and learn how to move their ideas from concept to action.

Meals, lodging, and program costs for both the student and teacher/chaperone were paid for and provided by the World Food Prize Foundation.


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