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Hartford Union HS has increase in ACT test scores


The ACT is a well-known national exam that predicts students’ likely success in completing college-level coursework, specifically in the areas of English, reading, mathematics, science, and writing. Many colleges and universities require ACT scores as part of their admissions’ processes.


Prior to 2015, the ACT was voluntary, taken mostly by students who were going to attend 2 or 4 year colleges and universities. Beginning with the Class of 2016, the state of Wisconsin required all  juniors to take the ACT  in the spring of their junior year, regardless of post-secondary plans. As a result of this change, average ACT scores for junior students at HUHS, and across the state, decreased significantly.  The reason is clear:  all students’ scores are included, those who anticipated going to college/university, as well as those who did not.


The decrease in scores was not a surprise because, prior to 2015, about two-thirds of HUHS students were taking the test, i.e., those who were going to college/university.  Table 1 below, from ACT, shows scores for each graduating class since 2012, comparing HUHS to state averages.  Please note:  the changes in scores between the Class of 2015 (voluntary test taking) and the Class of 2016 (mandated test taking) were the result of the mandate.


Table 1

  Total Tested English Mathematics Reading Science Composite
Grad Year District State District State District State District State District State District State
2012 262 47,588 22.1 21.5 22.7 22.0 22.2 22.1 23.0 22.1 22.6 22.1
2013 234 46,574 21.5 21.5 22.3 22.0 22.4 22.3 22.5 22.2 22.3 22.1
2014 247 46,870 22.7 21.5 22.2 22.0 23.6 22.4 23.3 22.3 23.1 22.2
2015 250 46,738 23.2 21.6 22.7 22.0 23.6 22.5 23.5 22.3 23.4 22.2
2016    348* 66,564 20.0 19.7 20.3 20.4 20.7 20.7 20.8 20.7 20.6 20.5


* Per ACT, the number of students tested includes any student who tested in grades 10-12 and self-reported that they expected to be a graduate in the reported year. For example, the 348 Total Tested for the Class of 2016 are 348 unique students who reported that they anticipate graduating in 2016.  The most recent, not necessarily the highest, test scores for each student are used to calculate averages.


Table 2 below has the good news:  Hartford Union High School saw an increase in ACT scores in the second year of mandatory testing. Note that these scores include only tests taken on the statewide test dates, comparing results from March 2015 to those of March 2016.


Table 2

  Total Tested English Mathematics Reading Science Composite
Test Year District State District State District State District State District State District State
2015 332 60,354 19.7 19.0 20.4 20.0 20.4 20.1 20.7 20.2 20.4 20.0
2016    319 ** 20.5 ** 20.6 ** 20.8 ** 20.9 ** 20.8 **


**State data not yet released for the March 2016 test date.


Comparing scores between March 2015 (Class of 2016) and March 2016 (Class of 2017), as a District, we can see growth in each area tested (English, reading, mathematics, science, and writing) and the composite score.   That growth must be sustained and improved upon.


Here is what we have and will do to improve our ACT scores.


  1. ACT has provided an action plan for College Readiness for All that HUHS will use to create a common focus, establish high expectations for all, require a rigorous curriculum, provide student counseling, and measure and evaluate our progress. HUHS is committed to reviewing its current practices and implementing changes to reflect the action plans that ACT has developed. The work must be done in grades 9 – 11.


  1. During the 2015-16 school year, HUHS began implementing programs for students in need of additional supports in mathematics and English. Also, some freshmen had the opportunity to learn in a “cohort” model of learning, focusing on personalized learning in a project-based environment. The 2016-17 school year will continue to build on the cohort model by adding opportunities in sophomore and freshmen courses.


  1. For the 2016 – 2017 school year, teachers in English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Special Education will develop and incorporate Student Learning Objectives (SLO’s) into their instructional practices. They will be assisted by our District Assessment Coordinator to identify specific areas for their instruction.


  1. Finally, we will be adding a new ACT Prep Class for juniors, and more information about this program will be available later this fall.


Improving college and career readiness is always a focus at HUHS. Now that the ACT test is given to all junior students, we are better able to focus where our efforts should be.  It is also another metric that we will use to measure our success as a comprehensive academic and career high school.


For more information, please contact Chad Ellefson, District Assessment Coordinator,

TEL:  (262) 670 – 3231, or EMAIL:  chad.ellefson@huhs.org.

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