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Hartford Union High School’s Corey McCauley named Educator of the Year 2016-17


May 6, 2017 – Hartford, WI – Technology & Engineering Educator Corey McCauley has been named the Educator of the Year for Hartford Union High School.

The following post was submitted by Hartford Union High School.

HUHS and our students are fortunate to have Mr. McCauley as a teacher. With over 350 students, teachers, and staff signing to support his nomination, it is easy to see the reach Mr. McCauley has within our school.

Mr. McCauley has been sharing his love and passion for Technology and Engineering Education for the last 22 years and has kept a brisk pace. During his time in education, Mr. McCauley has taught high school students, adults through the technical college system, and his peers in TEE through summer courses and other professional development he has led.

He continues to be a lifelong learner, learning new techniques and keeping pace with industry trends.

Mr. McCauley’s educational philosophy for his courses holds firm to the belief that regardless if a student is college or career bound, every student will gain necessary, life skills they can use through Technology and Engineering courses.

His courses focus on project-based learning by incorporating modern technology and hands-on techniques that are currently used in today’s manufacturing world and workforce. He strives to add creativity to his courses through unique experiences. His Fabrication Methods course designed and created all of the wood cut-outs that decorated the Hartford Holiday River Walk this season. Beyond that, he continues to provide his students with a global view of TEE.  He completed an Externship last summer at Signicast to keep abreast of industry and to share those experiences in his daily teaching and methodology. Co-teacher, Brad Dzikowski, on behalf of all of the TEE Department, shared this about Corey’s practice:

“As a top educator in the field, Corey leads by example and is always striving to do the right thing. This leads to constant personal improvement, as an educator. Because he is always pushing himself, students take notice and try to emulate his ways. …As a role-model to everyone in our department, we freely go to Corey for advice and he gives exemplary ideas on how to motivate students. In addition, he encourages his peers to try new things in the classroom…”

Mr. McCauley is currently teaching Welding Processes I & II, Fabrication Methods, Automated Manufacturing, and Auto Maintenance. Outside of the school day, he co-advises the HUHS SkillsUSA chapter that has had great success and continues to provide students with opportunities to develop their leadership skills. Mr. McCauley was also recently inducted into the Richland Center Wrestling Hall of Fame and serves as an Assistant Wrestling Coach at HUHS. Students in Mr. McCauley’s classes cannot say enough about his supportive and passion for his field and for all students’ future endeavors. Senior, Connor Kind describes his experiences in class:

“He has helped me to figure out what I want to do and how to apply my skills in the real world. He tries to not just teach you to “do school,” but he wants you to take skills away when you leave here and use them to get a job, fix your own house one day, whatever it may be.”

Beyond the courses that he teaches and educational opportunities that Mr. McCauley provides our students, it is his outgoing and fun-loving personality that draws people to him. He has a unique way of working with students that draws both high-level and struggling learners to always feel comfortable and laughing while learning.

After his days at HUHS end, Mr. McCauley is a member of our community where he and his wife Katie are raising their four children; Emma, Halli, Isabel, and Henry. He is also an active volleyball and softball player through our community recreation program.

Congratulations to Mr. Corey McCauley.  It is easy to see why he was selected as the Hartford Union High School Educator of the year.  He is well deserving and has earned this honor.

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