27.9 F
West Bend

Low voter turnout reported for Hartford Spring Primary | By Steve Volkert

February 17, 2022 – Hartford, WI – Tuesday’s Spring Primary saw a light turnout with only
13.93% of all registered voters in Hartford voting for the School Board runoffs.


In the City of Hartford, Louise Schrunk led all candidates with 398 votes while Tristan J Johannes was second with 314 in the Jt. 1 election. Both will go onto the Spring Election in

In the race for HUHS School Board, the top four vote-getters were Craig H. Westfall with 556 votes, Jonathan Lobert with 382 votes, Heather Barrie with 358 and Nolan Jackett with 333 votes.

Keep in mind that the Spring Primary school results were for the City only and do not include the other
districts outside the City. There are a total of 8,786 registered voters in Hartford with only
1,228 votes being cast on Tuesday.

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