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Hartford Special Olympics fundraiser, Polar Spray, Saturday, February 12 | By Theresa Weisse

Hartford, WI – Hartford Special Olympics is having a crazy cold fundraiser Saturday, February 12, 2022, at the Hartford Fire Department, 111 W. Wisconsin St. The Polar Spray event is similar to the Special Olympics Polar Plunge, however, it is a Hartford-based event.


The Polar Spray is scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. featuring the Hartford Fire/Police Departments along with all our athletes, families, and friends who have been invited to participate. Anyone else who is interested in “taking one for the team” may join in the Polar Spray. There will be changing facilities in the Fire House along with hot chocolate and a hot dog for participants.

Those who raise at least $75 in donations for Special Olympics will receive a SO Polar Plunge T-shirt.

The community and general public are invited to attend and cheer on local Olympians and make a donation.

Special Olympics Wisconsin uses this money for local, regional, and state tournaments we have, and will again, participate in.

Contact Jackie Infalt at jackieinfalt@att.net or (262) 853-0744 for more information, to participate or to donate.

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