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VIDEO | Hartford School Board President resigns


Sept. 17, 2018 – Hartford, WI – It was an announcement that was short and to the point. On Monday night, Sept. 17, during the Hartford Union High School District Board meeting Board President Deborah Reinbold resigned.

“Next on the agenda is the Board President’s report and I’m really thankful all of you are here tonight because I wanted to let you know that last Friday evening I emailed all of the board members to let them know that tonight will be my last meeting,” said Reinbold.

“I have a new job I’m starting next week Monday and I just wanted to be able to start and make sure I have the time available to put into that and I’ve been on the board the last 10 years and I think it’s ready for someone else to move into this spot.”

Reinbold was first elected to the board in 2008. She was re-elected multiple times after that. She won her last term in 2016. Her current term would expire in April 2019.

“Anyone with the tenure and 10 years of community service should be exemplified,” said board member Scott Hanke.

The board will set a timetable to collect names and schedule interviews to fill the remaining term for that seat.

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