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Hartford Rotary Students of the Month | By Teri Kermendy

October 27, 2020 –  Hartford, WI – The Hartford Rotary Club, and Hartford Union High School are pleased to announce Robert Klockow and Ella Merklein were honored recently as Rotary Students of the Month.

The students were given special recognition for their accomplishments at the Hartford Rotary Club’s Thursday noon meetings during the month of October.

Robert Hartford senior

Robert Klockow is the son of Stephanie and Bob Klockow.  Klockow has been active in the Spring Play productions, the HUHS Concert Choir, Solo and Ensemble, and the Boys Swimming program at Hartford.  He is a four-year member, team Captain, and State Qualifier for the Boys Swimming Team.  Klockow has also participated in State Solo and Ensemble and is a WSMA State Honors Choir Priority Alternate.

Klockow has given back to his community by volunteering as a music volunteer, liturgist, and computer helper at First United Methodist Church.  He has participated in mission trips to Virginia and Michigan.  Klockow has been active in local Cub Scout and Boy Scout programs.  He also works as a lifeguard for the Hartford Recreation Department at their outdoor and indoor pools.

Klockow plans to attend college and has an interest in pursuing a possible major in Sociology, Political Science, or Social Work.  At this time, he is interested in UW-Madison, Lawrence University, and St. Olaf College among others.


Ella Merklein is the daughter of Cori and Brian Merklein.  Merklein is a member of the National Honor Society, H-Club, Student Council (4 years), Varsity Cross Country (4 years), Varsity Ski Team and state qualifier (3 years), School Musical (3 years), Varsity Track (2 years), Girl’s Soccer (1 year) and the HUHS Concert Choir.  She currently serves as Treasurer of the Student Council, Captain of the Ski Team, and is a member of the State Honors Choir.

Merklein has helped at St. Kilian with funfest, the basketball tournaments, repairing bicycles, making blankets, and singing in the church choir.  She has volunteered at the Pink Pumpkin Run and the Washington County Fair.

Through her involvement in Student Council, Merklein has co-chaired and volunteered for the Veteran’s Breakfast, volunteered at blood drives, and assisted in putting together Hartford’s Homecoming activities.  She has rung bells for the Salvation Army, volunteered during the Hartford High School’s food drives, and assisted during local school fun fairs and field days.

Merklein is currently undecided on her major but is looking at majoring in either engineering or a health-related field.  She is also looking at schools that would allow her to continue her running career.                

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