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Hartford Public Works collects steel for United Way during October 2023

Hartford, WI – For the second year in a row, the staff of the City of Hartford Public Works Department is collecting and recycling used steel and metals to raise funds for the 2023 United Way Campaign.
In 2022, nearly $7,000 was collected for the United Way of Washington County Annual Campaign by recycling old steel items like junked water laterals, old lawnmowers, bikes, grills, and appliances.
United Way
Local businesses contributed much of what was collected as they had piles of used metals they looked to get rid of.
Any resident or business that has used steel is invited to call Hartford City Hall at 262-673-8261 and schedule a curbside pickup of your items only during the month of October.
 Anyone else outside of the immediate Hartford area is invited to drop off your items at the City Recycling Center located behind the City Garage at 710 W. Sumner Street in Hartford.
 Every dollar received from the recycling goes directly to the United Way of Washington County 2023 Campaign.
United Way

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