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Hartford Police take 5 people into custody following retail theft and pursuit

Sept. 27, 2017 – Hartford, WI – On Wednesday, Sept. 27,2017, at approximately 1:52 a.m., Hartford officers were dispatched to the Hartford Walmart for a report of a retail theft in progress.

The suspects left the store prior to the officer’s arrival. Officers observed the suspect’s vehicle traveling eastbound on W. Sumner Street and attempted to stop the vehicle.

The driver refused to stop and a pursuit was initiated.

The suspects continued eastbound until a tire deflation device was utilized at HWY 60 and CC by the Slinger Police Department. At least one of the vehicles tires was deflated in this attempt, but the driver still refused to comply with the officers’ attempts to stop the vehicle.

The Slinger Police Department deployed deflation devices a second time at HWY 60 and HWY 175, but the suspects were able to avoid them at that location.

The suspect then went southbound on I41 until the Washington County Sheriff s Department was able to successfully deploy deflation devices at I41 and HWY 45.

That successfully deflated the remaining tires on the vehicle. The vehicle drove a short distance on its rims until it ultimately became disabled at I41 near the Mequon Road off ramp.

The five occupants of the vehicle were taken into custody without further incident. No one was injured in this incident. The suspects, all residents of the city of Milwaukee, ranged in age from 14 to 19.

Further investigation lead to the recovery of multiple stolen Walmart sound bars and televisions that the suspects
had discarded from their vehicle while fleeing from the officers.

A loaded handgun that had been reported stolen in the City of Milwaukee was also recovered from the suspects’ vehicle.

Criminal charges of Felony Eluding, Retail Theft, Carrying a Concealed Weapon, and Possession of Stolen Property have been referred to the Washington County District Attorney’s Office for review and prosecution.

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