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Hartford Police Department offers Citizen’s Police Academy; accepting applications now

Hartford WI – The Hartford Police Department is happy to announce that they are now accepting applications for the 2022 Citizen’s Police Academy.
Photo credit: Hartford, WI, Police Department
There are a lot of questions, especially over the past couple years, regarding Law Enforcement. Here is your opportunity for some first-hand knowledge of how Police Officers are actually trained. The classes will involve a variety of subject matters related to law enforcement activities, such as pursuit driving (Yes- you get to drive a police car!), evidence recovery, radar operation, use of force, and Taser training. (Attendees have the option to be tased.)
The academy is designed to offer you an insight into a wide variety of duties handled by the Hartford Police Department.
The academy begins on August 24, 2022, and ends with graduation on October 26, 2022.
Classes will meet every Wednesday night for ten consecutive weeks from 6:30bp.m. to 8:30 p.m.
There will be no cost to attend the academy. Attendees must be at least 18 years old, have no criminal record, and be a resident of the Hartford community or work in Hartford.
The Citizen’s Academy class will be limited to 12 to 15 attendees. This allows for a more personal experience and the chance to truly interact with your Hartford Police Department.
The application form and waiver form are available on our website at http://ci.hartford.wi.us/210/Forms-Applications or in the Police Department lobby. Please fill out the forms and return them to the Hartford Police Department. The class will be filled based on the order in which completed applications are received.
If you have questions about the academy, please contact Sgt. Jim Fidler at jfidler@hartford.wi.gov or 262-673-2600. Additional information can be found at the Harford Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association https://academyalumni.weebly.com
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