32 F
West Bend

Memorial Day itinerary for Hartford Veterans | By Steve Volkert

Hartford, WI – The morning of Memorial Day, May 31, 2021, starts at 6 a.m. with the traditional rounds of the city cemeteries conducting Military Honors at each. At 7 a.m. veterans will erect the VFW’s, Avenue of Flags in Sawyer Park.

After a quick breakfast there will be Naval, and Vietnam Honors performed at 9:15 a.m. in front of City Hall.

City of Hartford memorial

The small Parade starts at 10 a.m. from Main Street and High Street.

This year’s Parade Marshall is Dan Kutzke, Vietnam Army Veteran and commander of the United Vietnam Vets of Hartford. The short parade heads south to beautiful Sawyer Park.

The morning concludes with a 10:30 a.m. program at Sawyer Park.

Cast iron

Guest speaker is Julie Muhle, District Vice Commander of the American Legion.

Chairmen Ron Schnorenberg said Hartford has three veteran groups with a great
working relationship. He and a few others are members of all three;.

Veterans of Foreign Wars post 8834,
American Legion Post 19
The United Vietnam Veterans of Hartford.

Anyone interested in joining the parade or getting involve can leave a message at 262-673-2721.

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