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Hartford mayor reads statement regarding recent investigation

April 12, 2022 – Hartford, WI – Following the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of the Tuesday night Hartford Common Council meeting, mayor Timothy Michalak, who asked that the mayor’s report be pushed to the top of the agenda, read a statement.

“I’ve been strongly admonished by my attorney not to make a statement or discuss this matter, but I apologize to the good people of Washington County for what happened, and I deeply regret my actions that gave rise to it. On behalf of my family, I thank you.”

Harford mayor

Later tonight the Hartford Common Council will vote to repeal the police powers of the mayor. City Administrator Steve Volkert said this is being done because it is a dated ordinance and not because of the criminal investigation being conducted on newly reelected mayor Timothy Michalak.

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The misdemeanor charges against Michalak were reported March 22, 2022. The charges involve possession of a firearm in a government building and an expired concealed carry permit.

The Dodge County District Attorney is conducting the investigation. So far, the D.A.’s office has confirmed it has not started on the case.

On April 5, 2022 Michalak was reelected mayor of Hartford, WI.

Click HERE for the full agenda.

This is a working story, and more information will be posted when details become available.

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