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Hartford Dist. 3 alderman makes statement concerning mayor’s investigation

April 13, 2022 – Hartford, WI – Hartford’s mayor Timothy Michalak made a statement during Tuesday night’s common council meeting, apologizing for the current situation involving several misdemeanor charges regarding possession of a firearm in a government building and an expired concealed carry permit.
Hartford council
“I’ve been strongly admonished by my attorney not to make a statement or discuss this matter, but I apologize to the good people of Washington County for what happened, and I deeply regret my actions that gave rise to it. On behalf of my family, I thank you,” read Michalak.

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The mayor’s report went quickly and later in the meeting when the council voted to repeal the police powers of the mayor, District 3 alderman Justin Webb read a statement.
Webb initially thanked the members of the 3rd aldermanic district for electing him and then he noted his appreciation for the mayor’s apology.  He closed with three separate comments.
“First, I feel compelled as an attorney to state something unequivocally: no one is above the law, period, full stop. It doesn’t matter whether you are a mayor, Alderperson, or anyone else.
“Second, I think this entire situation is a distraction from the great things that are happening in Hartford. Which is very unfortunate. Instead of talking about population growth, our business-friendly community, or other improvements around Hartford, we are talking about this. If this continues to be a distraction, which I fear it will, I would ask that the Mayor elevate the best interests of Hartford over his personal interests and do the right thing.
“Third, I have the utmost faith in the police department of Hartford and Chief McFarlan. An officer is always present at these meetings. For that reason, I see no good reason why anyone other than law enforcement officers should be carrying a firearm in this building during council meetings. I have no issue with the second amendment (I support it, along with all the other constitutional rights). But I do have an issue with putting the safety of others at risk with a pattern of carelessness, some of which I have witnessed firsthand. I think a reasonable solution is to rely only on our brave Hartford police officers to secure these meetings and everyone attending them, and I will support any efforts to make that a reality,” said Webb.
The council then voted unanimously to repeal the police power ordinance. Prior to the meeting City Administrator Steve Volkert said the issue was addressed because it was a dated ordinance and not because of the criminal investigation being conducted on newly reelected mayor Timothy Michalak.
After the meeting a mother and son from the audience approached Webb at the dais and shook his hand. “My son and I wanted to say thank you for your statement. We are in your district and you represented us with exactly what you said tonight, so thank you.”
After the meeting Michalak was approached for a comment and he respectfully declined.
The District Attorney in Dodge County is handling the investigation regarding misdemeanor charges of possession of a firearm in a government building and an expired concealed carry permit.

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