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Hartford school board candidate forum set for March 26 | By Tina Pridemore

Hartford, WI – Hartford Area ‘Citizen’s Action Network” (CAN) will be hosting a candidate forum at the Hartford Jack Russell Library, Community Room on Tuesday, March 26, starting at 6 p.m. and ending at 7:30 p.m.


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The forum/debate will be between all Hartford High School (HUHS) and Joint 1 School Board candidates.

Tina Pridemore, a member of the CAN group, will ask the questions.

Each candidate will have one minute to answer a question. If another candidate makes a comment about another candidate, the aforementioned candidate will get 1 additional minute to respond.
The Hartford Joint 1 candidates will go first and have 45 minutes total followed by 45 minutes for the HUHS candidates. The questions will NOT be furnished to any of the candidates prior to the forum/debate.
Those people not running for either school board may submit questions to email morepride4@reagan.com
This event is open to the public.
Candidates may invite supporters and CAN members are encouraged to invite other people, as well. For more information or questions concerning the event, email  morepride4@reagan.com

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